Southeast Missouri State Panhellenic
A Piece of Your Heart to Have With You Always
An Insight on Panhellenic!
Panhellenic sororities at Southeast Missouri State University stand out for their strong emphasis on sisterhood and a sense of community. These organizations provide opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and lifelong friendships. Additionally, Panhellenic sororities often engage in philanthropic efforts and community service, making a positive impact both within and beyond the campus.

“My older sister was my greatest role model when I was growing up. Everything she did, I would do. I watched her mature into an amazing adult when she joined Greek Life. I wanted all of that for myself, of course, but in my own way. It was tough to join a different chapter than my sister, but I know in my heart that we are both at home. Tri Delta has brought me the best friendships that I know will last a lifetime. My sister and I have grown even closer since I joined Greek Life. I get to share all of my amazing experiences with her just as she used to do with me. Words can’t express how grateful I am for Tri Delta and all of my loving sisters. I look forward to all the new adventures and friendships that come my way in the future”
— Ellie Kate Shaffer
'“Gamma Phi Beta has played an intricate role in my life way before I joined the chapter. Growing up my mom always told me all the friends and memories she made while being a Gphi at SEMO, so when going through fall recruitment I felt the same love for the chapter as she did! Through Gphi I have made life long friends as well as worked on my leadership skills and can’t wait for three more years with the best sisters! I owe everything to Gphi when looking at the woman I am becoming!
— Nora Craft
“As a first time college student, I’ve been faced with many hardships, while contrarily navigating the ability to carve my own unique path. I can proudly say joining a greek organization has opened several doors, blessing me with an abundance of opportunity and available leadership positions. Never would I have thought i’d be included in the extent of involvement greek life has given me; to say I’m grateful is an understatement!”
— Jayden Bauwens

Executive Board
The Panhellenic executive board is a group of elected leaders responsible for overseeing and coordinating the activities and operations of the Panhellenic Council, which represents and governs the sororities on a college campus!