Being a performance major (mine being BFA Acting), anyone will tell you how busy you can get. From shows, class work, student productions, and individual studies, your plate can get loaded and finding time for much else can get difficult.

What I’ve loved about my time in ADPi so far is how understanding my sisters are with my busy schedule, and how excited they get for the little parts they may not understand fully!

I was hesitant to joining Greek life initially because of how busy theater life can get, but having conversations with members during recruitment about crazy schedules put my mind at ease. I know I have the most supportive sisters who are so excited to see me in productions and are eager to understand the river campus side of SEMO!!

-Aubrey Lynae

Hi! My name is Abbie Van Pelt and I am a BFA Musical Theatre major with a minor in Marketing. As a River campus major involved in Greek life, it can be tough to balance it all, but it is so worth it! Being able to see my sisters support me in the arts makes me so proud to be in Greek life. I spend a majority of my time on River campus and it can be easy to feel disconnected with main campus life, but being a sorority has allowed me to find two places I can feel loved: River campus and the company of my sisters.

-Abbie Van Pelt

Hi! My name is Anne and I am a Musical Theatre Major and an active member of Delta Delta Delta Phi Mu chapter here at SEMOI! It's been great being able to connect with so many groups of people. Being able to talk to theatre people about sorority things and sorority people about theatre things is also nice, so you are able to get outside perspectives on things. I will say I am an extremely busy person, but there's nothing else I'd rather be doing than spending time with the people I love! I'm also close with many theatre majors in other sororities, so you always have someone to relate to. I've found a home in theatre, and a home in Delta, who could ask for anything more!

-Tanner Roach

My name is Liv Linn and I’m a BFA Musical Theatre major as well as a member of Alpha Phi. I rushed aphi in the fall and have had the absolute best experience! I rushed because I saw the value in having a community outside of the River Campus and I am so grateful everyday that I made the decision to go through recruitment. I feel so supported by my sisters in my artistic passions as well as in all the other aspects of my life. I was worried about the time commitment but APHI has been amazing about working with me to make sure that I am not overloaded or stressed. Overall, it has been a great experience and I encourage everyone to get involved!

-Liv Linn