Primary recruitment begins with prospective new members visiting each chapter's on-campus house the Sunday before the start of classes. The first round of recruitment, Philanthropy Night, allows the prospective new member to discuss with up to seven chapters their philanthropy. Sisterhood Night, round two, highlights the many ways sorority women celebrate their sisterhood and their bond of sisterhood for one another. During the Sisterhood Night, a prospective new member may visit up to five chapters. During the final invitational event, Preference Night, a prospective new member may attend up to two chapter events which are more formal. You must register before primary recruitment and attend every event during the primary recruitment process with excuses only permitted for class and work. After the Preference Night event, potential new members rank their choices and the sororities submit a preference list. The next day is Bid Day where potential women find out what chapter they will be joining!

Values Based Recruitment

The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is a values-based organization, and the 7 member organizations on the College’s campus are bound together through the shared values expressed in the Panhellenic Creed. The College Panhellenic and individual chapters ensure these values are reflected in all Panhellenic activities, including recruitment. 


Values-based recruitment allows for chapter members and Potential New Members (PNMs) to make connections and build relationships, discover shared interests and values, display high standards held by all NPC member organizations, provide PNMs with an opportunity to make informed decisions through an open, fair, and unbiased experience, and ensure the future of all chapters. 

Recruitment Counselors

Upon registration for recruitment, each Potential New Member (PNM) is assigned a recruitment counselor (Pi Chi). Pi Chis are sorority women who have chosen to disaffiliate from their sorority during the Primary Recruitment period in order to be a trustworthy resource and source of aid for the women going through recruitment. 


Pi Chis embody the Panhellenic spirit - being a Panhellenic woman first and a chapter member second. Your Pi Chi will not disclose their chapter membership. They ask that PNMs please not attempt to discover their chapter affiliation so PNMs can feel comfortable discussing their options and asking candid questions with an unbiased perspective.


Pi Chis will usually oversee a group of approximately 5-10 women during recruitment. Pi Chis will meet with their PNMs before and after each round, both to provide them with their schedules for the round and offer guidance to the women.


You should feel free to ask Pi Chis any questions you have before, during, or after recruitment. They are there to help! All of the recruitment counselors have gone through the recruitment process themselves and have many more sorority experiences to share.

2024 PI CHIS

2024 PI CHIS

  • Allie

  • Annie

  • Caroline

  • Charlotte

  • Courtney

  • Dani

  • Delaney

  • Emma

  • Flynn

  • Hayden

  • Jeanna

  • Jenna

  • Karsyn

  • Katie

  • Kaylee

  • Laura

  • Lauren

  • Madison

  • Maggie

  • Maliyah

  • Mia

  • Olivia

  • Paige

  • Sam