Frequently Asked Questions

When can I participate in sorority recruitment? 

Primary sorority recruitment at Southeast Missouri State University is only conducted in both the fall and spring during the academic semester. If you are unable to participate in fall and spring recruitment and are interested in joining a sorority, you may participate in Continuous Open Bidding (COB).


COB begins immediately following the end of the Recruitment process on Bid Day. Please refer to the ‘Continuous Open Bidding tab’ for more information.


Is there a required GPA to go through Recruitment? 

Although Panhellenic does not require a specific grade point average (GPA) to participate in Primary Recruitment or COB, each sorority has a minimum grade requirement to be eligible for membership. Every sorority strives to maintain a high chapter GPA, therefore, each must consider a woman’s ability to adhere to the chapter's scholastic standards. 

What if I received a bid during recruitment and have since decided to decline it? 

If at the conclusion of primary recruitment a PNM receives a bid to a chapter that she listed on her MRABA and later decides to decline it, she is still bound to the chapter for one year or until the next primary recruitment period, meaning she cannot participate in COB and/or accept a bid for membership to another NPC sorority. 


Please refer to the ‘M.R.A.B.A’ tab for more information.

What’s your best advice to potential new members?
Have an open mind!!! Unfortunately, every year, some women are disappointed as their expectations weren't met at some point during the process. Even if your “favorite” sorority does not invite you back, we encourage PNMs to stick with the process and go to all of the events that are available. While rotating in and out of houses, pay attention to how the women are interacting with one another. This process is FOR YOU!!!! You want to surround yourself with women that resemble the same characteristics and values as you do. We know amazing, remarkable women in every sorority on campus. Each group can offer students sisterhood, service, philanthropy. and leadership – and women can make lifelong friends no matter which organization they choose.

Will I get hazed?

No. Hazing does not occur during primary recruitment or at any time. Learn more about the University’s hazing policy here


How much time does a sorority take?

Being a member of a sorority is like taking another academic class. A PNM can expect one chapter meeting each week, as well as other potential weekly programming such as study sessions, sisterhood activities, community service projects, and social events. As a new member, new member education meetings will be required. Taking on a leadership role, such as a committee chair or officer position entails more time commitments, but is extremely rewarding. PNMs should know that the more you put into the sorority, the more you will get out of it!