National Panhellenic Conference

Created in 1920, the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is composed of 26 inter/national member organizations represented across 670+ college campuses nationwide.  As the premier advocacy and support organization for the advancement of the sorority experience, the National Panhellenic Conference is committed to the core values of friendship, leadership, service, knowledge, integrity, and community. Learn more about the National Panhellenic Conference here.


We, as Undergraduate Members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities.
We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.

Circle of Sisterhood

As collegiate sorority members, we understand and appreciate our access to quality education and believe in the value of achieving an education, which is why we support our philanthropy, Circle of Sisterhood. As a community, we have seen how quality schooling can remove barriers and create sustainable change for girls and women around the globe.


Learn more about Circle of Sisterhood as we make a change for women everywhere.

Section VI: Code of Ethics

We, as the undergraduate members of women’s fraternities at Southeast Missouri State University, strive to exemplify scholarship, leadership, service, and sisterhood by abiding by all Unanimous agreements of the National Panhellenic Conference. We will work to promote the best interests of Southeast Missouri State University and to ensure that the Panhellenic community is an asset to our institution. We intend to foster a great relationship with other Greek councils, the Southeast Missouri State University administration/ student body, and the Cape Girardeau community.


All members are to be held to high moral and academic standards and serve as a positive representation of the community. All Panhellenic members are joined together as Panhellenic sisters and are expected to embrace the unique differences of organizations. We recognize that every member sorority is an integral part of our community, and we will refrain from making disparaging remarks about any member sorority. We vow to uplift all member organizations and join as a community to support one another. The standards that we have set forth shall guide our everyday actions and ensure the success of our community.

Panhellenic Delegates

Panhellenic Delegates

Each of our seven chapters have a Panhellenic delegate to serve as a liaison between their own chapter and the Executive Council. As members of the Southeast Missouri State University Panhellenic Council, delegates are responsible for notifying their chapters of all information discussed at the weekly meetings of the Panhellenic Council, have a voice and vote on behalf of their member organization, support the National Panhellenic Conference's decisions and programs, possess a thorough knowledge of National Panhellenic Conference policies and procedures, are knowledgeable of all Panhellenic community concerns, and serve on committees to further the ideals and values of the Southeast Missouri State University Panhellenic Association.


Panhellenic Executive Council


Anna Adelman — President


Abby Rudisaile — VP of Recruitment and Retention


Delaney Shaffer — VP of Community Relations


Holly Taylor — VP of Membership Development


Jeanna Brantley — VP of Administrative Affairs


Amariss Mueller — VP of Internal Affairs


Mia Adelsberger — VP of Chapter Development


University Center

Office: University Center, Room 413

Phone: (573) 986-7301


Associate Vice President for Student Life: Dr. Bruce Skinner


Graduate Assistant: Gillian Sherp


Graduate Assistant: Nic Feltz



One University Plaza

MS 1500 Rm 413

Cape Girardeau, MO 63701