At Southeast, the Panhellenic Council has the highest GPA average on campus with a 3.3! We hold ourselves to the highest standard in regard to our studies, majors, and future careers!

The Alpha Chi Omega Foundation offers individual merit-based scholarships each year to collegiate and alumnae members for expenses related to undergraduate or graduate studies. Scholarship awards vary each year based on each scholarship's established criteria and distribution voted on annually by the Board of Trustees. For the 2023-24 academic year, the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation awarded more than $335,000 in scholarships to collegiate and alumnae members in recognition of their academic excellence.  

The Alpha Delta Pi Foundation is proud to award approximately 170 competitive academic scholarships each year with a total of more than $325,000 in scholarships. Award amounts vary up to $5,000, and scholarships are available for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education study. Alpha Delta Pi members in good standing who have a 3.2 minimum cumulative GPA are encouraged to apply.

Each year, the Alpha Phi Foundation awards more than $340,000 in scholarships to outstanding Alpha Phis. Scholarship applications are due March 1 each year and scholarships are awarded in July for use in the upcoming academic year. Scholarship amounts vary each year depending on investment returns.

With the ever increasing costs of going to college, financial assistance for deserving Sisters is a priority of the Foundation and our Sisters and friends who have endowed scholarships. Scholarship endowments start at $25,000, and scholarships and grants are awarded in amounts from $125 and up. Since the Foundation’s inception, more than $5 million in scholarships, grants and awards have been issued, allowing Sisters to finish a degree program or seek additional education with less financial burden.

With the rising cost of higher education, we are grateful to be able to provide undergraduate and graduate scholarships to sisters through the generosity of our donors. For many, these scholarships mean the difference between taking out additional student loans or working extra hours to cover college expenses.

Endowments are uniquely impactful because of the perpetual support they provide. Sisters, friends and families establish endowments as a legacy to an individual, for an area of passion or need and in support of programs and services. Our endowments vary widely. Some benefit a specific chapter, provide financial aid to members in need, support leadership education or allow for unrestricted support for current areas of greatest need. Every endowment held by the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation makes a meaningful difference.

The Tri Sigma Foundation provides annual graduate and undergraduate scholarships to deserving alumnae and collegians. Several scholarships are restricted to particular chapters/fields of study according to terms of the original endowment. Most endowed Foundation scholarships are merit-based, recognizing outstanding academic achievement, but funds are also available for those looking for a need-based scholarship.