Potential New Member Policies
Potential New Members (PNMs) must attend Convocation and all of the recruitment events that she has been invited to. Failure to attend will result in a withdrawal of that woman from 2022 Primary Recruitment. If a PNM gets lost, she should immediately contact her Pi Chi to be reassigned to another party time.
No PNM is to promise a sorority or sorority member to join that organization before the completion of the Primary Recruitment process, and formal bids are handed out. Likewise, no sorority is to give out a promise to a PNM to join that organization until the completion of the Primary Recruitment process.
No PNM will visit a sorority house other than during parties.
No PNM will accept invitations to a sorority function until the completion of Bid Day. If an invitation is given out, they are to be reported to a Pi Chi or a member of the Panhellenic Executive Council.
Men and alcohol are not permitted during Primary Recruitment or 24 hours after the start of Bid Day activities. Attending a party as well as going to the bars is strictly prohibited. The Panhellenic Executive Council has the right to remove any woman from the Primary Recruitment process who has violated the alcohol-free rule. Men do not help with our recruitment; therefore, we cannot help or participate in Interfraternity Council (IFC) recruitment. No participant of the Primary Recruitment process may step onto fraternity property or consume alcohol until 24 hours after the start of Bid Day.
No PNM should reveal the affiliation of any recruitment staff to others if it is known or becomes known.
Strict silence will be held between the PNMs and the sororities between the completion of the last Preference Round party and the beginning of Bid Day.
Please try to avoid contact with any sorority members outside of parties. If you have any questions about schedules or how to get around campus, please as a Pi Chi or a member of the Panhellenic Executive Council.
All Southeast Missouri State University students who consistently live and self-identify as women are eligible to participate in primary recruitment provided that (1) they are a regularly enrolled student or plan to be a full-time student in good standing with Southeast Missouri State University at the time of Recruitment, (2) they have never been initiated into one of the 26 National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sororities at the College or on another campus, and (3) they register for recruitment and pay the required registration fee prior to the advertised deadline.
National Panhellenic Conference Panhellenic Recruitment Eligibility (2020) – POLICY
For the purpose of participation in Panhellenic recruitment, woman is defined as an individual who consistently lives and self-identifies as a woman. Each women’s-only NPC member organization determines its own membership selection policies and procedures.
Bill of Rights
The right to be treated as an individual.
The right to be fully informed about the recruitment process.
The right to ask questions and receive true and objective answers from recruitment counselors and members.
The right to be treated with respect.
The right to be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized.
The right to ask how and why and receive straight answers.
The right to have and express opinions to recruitment counselors.
The right to have inviolable confidentiality when sharing information with recruitment counselors.
The right to make informed choices without undue pressure from others.
The right to be fully informed about the NPC Unanimous Agreements implicit in the membership recruitment acceptance binding agreement (MRABA) signing process.
The right to make one’s own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the results of that decision.
The right to have a positive, safe and enriching recruitment and new member experience.
If at any time you feel that you are not being treated according to the precepts outlined here, contact your Pi Chi at once. With your permission, your Pi Chi should then inform the Panhellenic Council of the issue and take immediate and appropriate action to rectify the situation. Your identity will never be disclosed to those who have been reported.