Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Goals as an Organization

The National Panhellenic Council is the “premier advocacy and support organization for the advancement of the sorority experience,” and we hope to be the same for our local community. As a community, and an executive board, we aim to advance the sorority experience for all. Our conference commits itself to six core values: Friendship, leadership, service, knowledge, integrity, and community. Those cannot be accomplished without the inclusion and sense of belonging that many have historically not found. We aim to be different. 

In our creed we recite “The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.” So let us live through that, let us help those that need it, and let us respect those around us. We strive to help young women find community in college, so let us break down historic barriers, and work for a more equitable fraternity and sorority community, together. 

Vision Statement

To have Panhellenic sororities be a place where all members of our college community belong, regardless of race, sex, gender, religion, or class. 

Mission Statement

To work alongside our community leaders to create lasting, substantial, and equitable change to our campus panhellenic culture. We must have equity to allow members to feel as though they belong, and without belonging, there is no sisterhood. 

Chapter Contacts

Alpha Chi Omega - Julia Leible

Alpha Delta Pi - Maddie York

Alpha Phi - Makayla Mathis

Alpha Xi Delta - Abi Smith

Delta Delta Delta - Madison Gripka

Gamma Phi Beta - Spencer Wearing

Sigma Sigma Sigma - Ellie Osterholt

Do you have any feedback for our team? We are an ever evolving group of people who are constantly learning, and we are dedicated to our community, so please share with any comments or concerns! 

Feedback Form