• To effectively manage athletics and sorority commitments:

  • Create a schedule: Plan and allocate time for practices, games, sorority events, and study.

  • Prioritize and set goals: Identify key tasks and objectives in both areas.

  • Communicate: Keep coaches and sorority members informed about your commitments and conflicts.

  • Delegate tasks: Share responsibilities with others in your sorority.

  • Use time management techniques: Set deadlines, break tasks into smaller parts, and minimize distractions.

  • Take care of yourself: Prioritize self-care to enhance productivity and well-being.

  • Be adaptable: Stay flexible and problem-solve when unexpected changes occur.

  • Remember, effective time management and balance are key. By staying organized, communicating effectively, and prioritizing your commitments, you can successfully manage both athletics and sorority involvement.


I’m a member of ADPi, but I’m also on the track team here at SEMO! My sport is time consuming, but I am thankful to have such understanding girls in my corner when I have to miss events for meets. Not to mention, I get the best cheerleaders to wish me luck before races! I still get involved and do lots of volunteer hours with my girls, all while bringing home hardware with my team! My girls help me do both!

— Erika Mellor


Balancing greek life and athletics can be difficult at times, but it’s really all about time management! My coach works around our academic schedule and usually tries to work around personal events too. If I had a really important event then my coach would definitely let me miss practice or a game. In my opinion, I love always having something to do because it makes school so much more fun. I would definitely recommend going greek even if you plan to play a sport because there are so many sweet and amazing people that you will meet and so many opportunities between each.

— Delaney Cooksey