Registration is now open and will close on August 20th. Please note that no exceptions will be made if a PNM has not completed registration before the closure of primary recruitment registration and will be unable to participate in the primary recruitment process. There is a $20 non-refundable fee to register.
Link to register:!/enroll/enrollment-disclaimer
Upon Completing Registration:
Interactive Collegiate Solutions (ICS)
ICS is a recruitment tool that provides a seamless recruitment experience for Panhellenic Chapters and Potential New Members at Southeast Missouri State University. As a PNM you will utilize this platform for all of recruitment, and your Pi Chis will be able to assist you if you have questions.
Please check your email for an email from ICS to activate your account and create a password.
As a PNM, you will use ICS during Recruitment for the following:
Receive messages from Panhellenic Advisor
Daily Selection
Virtual links
Schedule for each round